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Laura Rigó

"Darts Maths helps in maths because I can practice calculations much more easily. "

(3rd grade student)

Ákos Kovács

"I can proceed summation, subtraction, multiplication and dividing in my head quicker since I use Darts Maths. "

(4th grade student)

Lili Lendvai

"It is fun that we aren’t looking at out books constantly all day, but using Darts Maths on the board, playing and having fun. "

(3rd grade student)

Klára Földesiné Gyöngyösi

"We can not ignore the fact, that children are constantly around computers and smart devices outside of school, we have to adapt that culture here as well. It always a pleasure to see our pupils motivated in lessons where we use interactive programmes like Darts Maths. "

(Head teacher of Homoktövis Primary School)